Report Editor - Create a New Sub-Detail Band

A sub-detail band is a special band that displays one dataset while being linked to another dataset (called the master). As each record is printed in the master dataset, Argos will execute the dataset in the sub-detail band (and print the sub-detail band once for each row returned). This allows you to loop through the sub-detail dataset for each record in the Master dataset.

Sub-detail bands typically use additional datasets in conjunction with the master. Creation of additional datasets is discussed on the Report Editor - Add Datasets page.

In nearly all cases, the master dataset is the main report query (ArgosData). The dataset displayed in a sub-detail band is a different one than the master dataset, in fact it can even be from a different database (as long as both datasets have some common field that can be used to link them). When building a dataset to use in a sub-detail band, it is important to define the join conditions from the new dataset to the master dataset (use the ABC icon to view fields in ArgosData or any other dataset). For example, if the master dataset included employee ID then your new dataset should include a line that links the ID in the new dataset to the ID in the master dataset.

The sub-detail band always prints after the detail band and it will loop through all records in its dataset before the master dataset is incremented to the next record. For this reason, this technique is significantly less efficient than other methods. You should use this technique when:

This image shows the dialog that is displayed when adding a sub-detail band.  Numerous options are available for configuring the band.


Need More Help?

If you need additional help creating banded reports, refer to the Getting Started with Banded Reports page.

To read a step-by-step example on how to create sub-detail Bands, see Example 8 in the Argos Report Writer Guide.